subota, 23. kolovoza 2014.

Privremeno zatvoren DC u Novom Sadu!

Društveni Centar - skvot u Novom Sadu je navodno zatvorila policija!
Za one koji nisu znali, Društveni Centar je okupljalište ljudi otvorenih umova i raznih ideja. Mesto gde svaki pojedinac može da izrazi svoje mišljenje, a osim toga učestvuje u raznim aktivnostima, od slikanja, radionica, kuvanja pa do koncerata i projekcije filmova.

Za sinoć je bila zakazana žurka koja se bez obzira na zapečačnje prostorije planirala nastaviti u dvorištu DCa. Čekamo drugare da jave nešto više informacija o samom događaju, ishodu sinoćnje akcije i o odluci o daljnjem djelovanju. Stay tuned!

Uz vas smo!
Reciklaonica kolektiv

petak, 22. kolovoza 2014.

5. ANTIFA FEST + 8. BASK 5.-6.9.2014. in Mostar!

Antifa fest u Mostaru stigao je do svog petog izdanja! Ove godine zajedno sa festom održat će se i 8. Balkanski anarhistički sajam knjiga sa hrpom zanimljivih predavanja i diskusija.



- Izložba crteža Emira Hodžića
- Javna tribina: Socijalni pokret u BiH nakon februarske pobune
- Predavanje i diskusija: Urođenički otpor globalnom zagrijavanju
- Koncert:

Renovatio (Hip Hop/Albanija)

Crustalno jasno (Crust/Mostar/BiH)

POPIK (Punk Rock/Sarajevo/BiH)

Punkart (Punk/Tuzla/BiH)

Zadnji popis (Punk/Srebrenica/BiH)

Ulaz: 6 KM

Koncert u subotu:

Triptamin (Mostar)

Hellback (Crust/HC/Punk/Požega/HR)

Više od milimetra (Post Punk/Temerin/SR)še+od+milimetra

No Rules (Garage R'n'R/Tuzla/BiH)

Ulaz: 6 KM

Dvodnevna ulaznica 10 KM

Na Antifa festu u Mostaru do sada su svirali: 95th Division, Bilok, Brickheads, Deer In The Headlights, Dying In This Place, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, Helltard, Hobson's Choice, Hor bečkih šnicala, Hypersten, Impurita, Kill The Scum, Loš Primjer, Ljubiša Samardžić, Moca i biznismeni, Motherpig, Mrtve mačke, Naksut Vesert, Nema teorije, Pasi, Pokret otpora, Sataraš, Statement of Hate, Totalna rasprodaja, Wasted Youth.

8. Balkanski anarhistički sajam knjiga: Preko zidova nacionalizma / 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair: Over the Walls of Nationalism

Mostar in many ways represent misery that is imposed on big part of Balkan through divisions created by nationalism, war and fight for power between political elites which were and still are working on destruction of all social networks in town that go beyond these artificial "differences". All this fits perfect to capitalist logic of "divide and rule", since it's used as tool for prevention of all social revolts and attempts to build up social connections that were violently broken.

Even today, almost 20 years after the war, Mostar doesn't live like one town. Still, town did see new ways of resistance to imposed normality of nationalism and capitalism.

At this years BAB we will discuss about anti-nationalist and anti-capitalist struggles, anarchist anti-war initiatives and solidarity actions, exchange ideas and strategies, and above all, show that our solidarity goes beyond all borders and divisions created by authority and state.

Program 8. BASK-a:
- Foto izložba: Bruxelles 'March for Freedom'
- Prezentacija: European immigration and antifascism
- Predavanje i diskusija: Mlada Bosna i anarhizam

Stogodišnjica atentata u Sarajevu je poslužila kao poligon za nove ideološke sukobe i tendeciozna i revizionistička tumačenja istorije. Mlada Bosna je postala instrument u
rukama različitih nacionalističkih ideologija, ali ni anarhisti nisu ostali imuni na olako i površno svojatanje ove grupe. Kakav je zapravo bio odnos mladobosanaca prema anarhizmu? I kako se to uklapa u njihovu nacional-oslobodilačku ideologiju?

- Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives
a recollection from Croatia.

There is no objective history. There are only different interpretations of what has happened and a very clear idea that the “ordinary”, “little” people are the victims of all
systems, whether these systems are founded on this or that ideology, nationalism, religion…

The wars that took part during the nineties produced only victims. Victims were caused by the media propaganda, nationalism, the states and their leaderships, local thugs, different obeyers, the ones who “carried out the orders”…

In a situation like that, mass war psychosis, there were still pockets of resistance to the conflict, nationalism, hate and the war itself, although it was all around us and became the integral part of our lives. The new normality. We will talk about (probably with the help of some of the participants in the events that we will describe) anarchist actions of solidarity, different anti-war initiatives and their influence during the nineties.

- Prezentacija autonmnog dječijeg vrtića Koko Lepo

The Koko Lepo autonomous kindergarten was formed in June 2013. It works with between fifteen and twenty-five children from a slum near its home, the Inex squat in Karaburma, Belgrade. Mixing alternative pedagogical practices with basic integration skills, Koko Lepo's teaching members hold a four-hour class including a hot lunch before walking the children back home. Depending on the season and teacher availability, the kindergarten runs three to five days a week and has had a positive effect in the slum bringing children from diverse and often mutually antagonistic clans together in a safe and productive project. It also brings in adolescent members of the settlement as helpers to encourage a sense of
community and ownership. Koko Lepo does not work with the State or NGOs and is funded solely from benefit parties, the solidarity efforts of anti-fascist and anarchist groups, and contributions from the general public. The classes encourage autonomy, gender equality, worldliness, and communication while simultaneously focusing on basic motor skills, basic reading/writing, self-awareness, and general sociability.

- Prezentacija i diskusija "After the Crest: What We Do between Upheavals"

Over the past few years, many places have witnessed sudden eruptions of protest in which everyone pours into the streets. This has taken many forms: anti-austerity protests in Europe, Occupy in the US and elsewhere, transportation protests in Brazil, the Gezi resistance in Turkey, the uprising in Bosnia, and most recently—and problematically—the nationalist revolution in Ukraine.
But all of these have passed without solving the problems that gave rise to them. What limits have they reached, and what would it take to go beyond these limits? If a single
upheaval won’t bring down capitalism, we have to ask what’s important about such high points of struggle: what we hope to get out of them, how they figure in our long-term vision, and how to make the most of the period that follows them.
In this presentation, participants in popular struggles in Slovenia and the United States will speak about our experiences and pose questions. Please come ready to discuss!

Detaljan raspored i satnica - uskoro. 

Ulaz na sve prezentacije, tribine i diskusije je slobodan!